I wave around this wand of patience, like some sort of magic stick, hoping all my problems will somehow magically disappear. Patience with others is applied much more easily then with myself.
Pillows of Silk
Faith takes immense courage, courage takes strength, strength takes tenacity, tenacity takes endurance and endurance means letting go.
The waiting game
It’s not easy but it is possible. You are the one on this journey, no one else, so don’t let people tell you what to do or influence you to do something different than what you know to be true for you.
Growth led to more understanding and that understanding showed me there is no shame in asking for help.
Time Machine
Take a trip in your time machine, look back at all you have achieved, you’ll be surprised what you will find.
From Field to Fork
No matter what you set your mind to you’re efforts will be greatly rewarded. If you put in your time, good things will happen.