I wave around this wand of patience, like some sort of magic stick, hoping all my problems will somehow magically disappear. Patience with others is applied much more easily then with myself.
A New Multi-Tool
I was dying for a lot of years, yet through immense pain and the gift of desperation, and now dealing with grift and loss, I’m able to start living again, and you can too.
The waiting game
It’s not easy but it is possible. You are the one on this journey, no one else, so don’t let people tell you what to do or influence you to do something different than what you know to be true for you.
The White Flag
At the beginning it seemed impossible to get my head wrapped around that notion. How could surrender ever bring victory?
The Follow Through
Starting the new year off on the right foot: sober, healthy and ready for anything that life has to bring. Celebrating day one in Sannichton…
Any Lengths
At the beginning of this new journey I made an oath to be willing to go to “any lengths” – but what does that mean exactly?
The Devil is Not in the Details
I guess you could say that among that pile of garbage was a gem even I couldn’t see.
Second Chances
I’ve been givin’ so many “Second Chances” that it almost seems ridiculous,. How could one escape death so many times without a greater power intervening?
Pride and Humility
Humility has taught me how to put my pride and ego aside — most importantly, it has taught me how to ask for help… how to learn to listen, and listen to learn.
Dare to Dream
It’s the good, bad and ugly all wrapped up in one. It would say…”Hey! I went through a mountain range of shit and survived and you can too”.