At the beginning of this new journey I made an oath to be willing to go to “any lengths” – but what does that mean exactly?
The Hula-Hoop
To continue learning I must travel outside my comfort zone, yet beyond that zone are boarders and limits and beyond those, there lies the danger.
The Devil is Not in the Details
I guess you could say that among that pile of garbage was a gem even I couldn’t see.
Giving Back
Now that I’ve taken the time to learn and with lots of help, it’s one of the most wonderful gifts I’ve received, something I give back to myself.
Second Chances
I’ve been givin’ so many “Second Chances” that it almost seems ridiculous,. How could one escape death so many times without a greater power intervening?
The Big Judge
Like an out of body experience, I stood on the other side of my judgement like never before.